Connect with Other Young Women

Find your squad in-person or online. Connect with others who get it for advice, sharing insider tips, swapping stories, and feeling seen.
Connect with Other Young Women

"Connecting to others who understand what you are going through can be one of the most important step you take. Get advice from young women who have been there, share your best tips, swap stories, laugh, cry, and feel. Find your squad in-person or online. They are waiting to wrap their arms around you and welcome you. Looking for in-person, local support! Connect with other young women in Chicago to build your local circle!"

Connect with Peer Support in Chicago
Finding a local squad can bring support that you can't find online. These resources connect you with other young women in Chicago who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
It is common to become more reliant on an intimate partner after a cancer diagnosis. This shift can be stressful for everyone. Learn how to recognize signs of an unhealthy relationship and talk to your doctor if you are not safe at home
Reconnect with My Friends
Our friends are some of the most important people in our lives. They want to be there, but may not know what to say or do. Use these resources to help you talk with your friends about your experience with breast cancer.