Practical Matters

Find resources to help you navigate insurance, deal with your medical bills, and get support for daily living.
Practical Matters

Support is needed in all aspects of a young woman’s life once she is diagnosed with breast cancer, as well as life of her family and co-survivors. Securing stability can allow you to focus on what’s most important to you and your treatment. Find resources for navigating insurance, getting financial aid, and other practical day to day matters.

Find Free and Low-Cost Food
Food plays an important role in keeping your body strong after a cancer diagnosis. You can get free food or prepared meals through programs at your cancer center and community organizations. You may also be eligible for public assistance. Talk to your nurse, patient navigator, or social worker about your food needs, and check out the resources below to find food near you.
Find Help with Cooking, Cleaning, and Transportation
Get help with daily chores! These resources can help you with meal prep, housecleaning, transportation, and other practical matters that may be challenging after a cancer diagnosis.
Find Help with Housing
Keeping up with rent or mortgage payments can be difficult when you are dealing with the cost of cancer care. Find support to deal with quesitons or concerns about your housing with the resources below.